Silsilah Keluarga Nomor 31, MAS KROMOPRAWIRO

Mas Kromoprawiro, pepoetra: Soebenoe, Soekadis, Roesni, Sidik

Iaikoe, wajahe Eyang Mas Behi Kartodikromo, poetrane Mas Adjeng Kromoredjo.




Soebenoe, saiki ing Betawi.


Soekadis, Goeroe bantoe H. I. S. ing Cheribon (1931 isih).


Roesni, dadi bodjone Mas Tjokrosoeparto Commies Assistent-Resident kantoor Demak, saiki isih ing Demak.


Sidik, isih sekolah H. I. S. ing Koedoes meloe Mas Hadie No. 89.

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Is it True That Raden Patah, The King of Demak of Chinese Descent

Demak Sultanate had the important role in the history of Indonesia though they have not been existed for 100 years. Demak was known as the first kingdom pioneer in the spread of Islam in the land of Java including Nusantara or Indonesia. However, something is unique among the leaders especially Raden Patah. It is because he had the Chinese heritage within his blood from his mother and you can learn as well as know the history of his “peranakan” background. Baca Selengkapnya...