The Queen of Kalinyamat Between Revenge and Love

Ratu Kalinyamat was known as the daughter of Demak King, Trenggana who became the bupati or government leader of Jepara. The Queen was so famous among Portuguese as the brave woman. However, during her fight to defeat the colonial era, she lost her love forever from his husband who was dead. Her true name was actually Retna Kencana. When she was teenager, she was married to Pangeran Kalinyamat who came from the outside of Java.


The Revenge of Queen Kalinyamat for Her Love

There are so many opinions related to the original of Pangeran Kalinyamat. Jepara people knew her as Win-Tang who was the Chinese best trader who got accident in the sea. He was landed in the land of Java. After that, he made Sunan Kudus as his teacher to learn Islam. Meanwhile, other opinions said that actually Win Tang came from Aceh and his true name was Pangeran Toyib. Win-Tang and his father moved to Java and he built Kalinyamat village. He succeeded in marrying his love, Retna Kencana and she was known as Queen Kalinyamat.

At that time, Pangeran Kalinyamat became the member of Demak kingdom and he had the title of Pangeran Hadiri. Her love to Pangeran kalinyamat was so big and together, they led Jepara and his father taught the Jepara people about art. However, the happiness of Queen Kalinyamat had to come to the end because Pangeran Kalinyamat was dead. In 1549, Sunan Prawata who was the fourth king of Demak was murdered by the man under the order of Arya Penangsang who was the cousin of Adipati Jipang.

Queen Kalinyamat found Keris of Nyai Betok owned by Sunan Kudus on her brother’s corpse. The prince and queen departed to Kudus to ask for the explanation. Sunan Kudus was the supporting role behind Arya Penangsang in the conflict of crown after King Trenggana dead. Queen Kalinyamat wanted the justice over the death of her brother. Sunan Kudus explained that when Sunan Prawata was young, he had killed Pangeran Surowiyoto who was the Arya Penangsang’s father so it was normal for him to take revenge.

Queen Kalinyamat was so disappointed after seeing and also hearing the explanation of Sunan Kudus. Then, Queen Kalinyamat along with the prince went back to Jepara but in the middle of their journey, they were hit by people of Arya Penangsang. The prince was dead and based on the story, Queen Kalinyamat survived from the fight and she brought the corpse of her husband until she met the river and the blood of her husband made the river purple. The river is now named as Kaliwungu.

Queen Kalinyamat was so tired but she wanted to get revenge to Arya Penangsang because he killed her love. She meditated without wearing any cloth at all or naked in the Mount Danaraja with the oath that she would not wear any dress until she could step on the head of Arya Penangsang. Being naked in the Javanese philosophy means Queen Kalinyamat was “jihad” by using all of her things including clothes. She just wanted Arya Penangsang to be killed and also murdered after what he did before.

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